Latest news and research about the heart, click on each link for more information
- Coronary heart disease is the UK’s single biggest killer
- Most deaths from heart disease are caused by a heart attack
- Heart disease kills more women than breast Cancer
- An under active thyroid, can raise blood pressure and so be an issue for heart health
- Men who don’t have breakfast are 27 per cent more likely to suffer heart attacks or heart disease
- ’Broken heart’ syndrome usually occurs in women, and can be triggered by stresses such as bereavement
- The UK spends nearly £2 billion each year on the healthcare costs of treating coronary heart disease
Carbohydrates/Sugar, is the Root of Heart Disease
- Saturated Fat Does NOT Promote Heart Disease
- Taking exercise, eating a healthy diet and being aware of dangers such as smoking, drinking, high blood pressure, and stress are all important for your long term heart health, whether you currently have heart disease or not.