
Beyond the choppy waters on Earth there is a calling from the cosmos, the world of invisible energy and spirit. There’s an awakening and remembering that we are more than this body and a pawn in the game of life. We are birthing a new world and everything is possible. The stronger the call from the infinite ocean of life the greater the contradiction and chaos in the world. Nothing is new, yet everything is supercharged, as if on steroids, in your face, loud, contradictory and unavoidable! For many the future seems bleak. But there is hope. There is always hope.

Woven into our being a tangle of karmic, transgenerational and systemic patterns form the basis of our unconscious habits, limiting beliefs, and reactive behaviours. Neither right or wrong, good or bad, punishment or reward. These frequencies inform and guide our life experiences and subsequent world view. They cloud our true Self with fears, aversions, attachments and false understanding of our true spiritual nature and interbeing. We see the world through, dirty, distorted lens – avidya.

The Yoga journey is one of self-realisation. It’s a path of exploration, discovery and uncovering of the Self that lies beneath these clouds.

Einstein is often quoted as having said something along the lines of – you cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness as that which created it.

The overwhelming and seemingly impossible task is just that when viewed from our wounded, 3rd dimensional Self. A higher frequency and consciousness give a different perspective and agency to be part of the change.

The more we remember the interconnection of all life, the easier it is to see beyond the illusion of separation, right/wrong, them/us and explore what lies beyond actions and words.

Self-empathy is where it begins. It is only when we have mastered this for our Self that we can relate to the feelings and needs of others and in-time understand that most if not all of us are acting from this place of woundedness. There’s a long line of suffering behind us all. Part of the awakening is the opportunity to heal unfinished business and patterns through the ancestral lines.
A clear intention and consistent action are needed (abhyasa) and proactive willingness to discover our true self – feel our feelings and emotions, identify our unfulfilled needs and unravel the layers of protection afforded (vairagya).

This is an ongoing process and requires practice and persistence and a willingness to see beyond the known without attachment to any specific outcome. It’s a path of spiritual growth.

It doesn’t matter where you start. There may be clues in the body, breath, voice, vitality, thoughts and emotions. Whatever is present for you is a very good place to begin. The path is often windy, and we encounter blocks and take detours which is ok. Your route is unique to you. There is no deadline.

There is a special place in the mandala of life that only you can fill.

A guide or mentor, being part of a group of those on a similar path are invaluable, but the hard work is your responsibility. I can’t promise you will become a spiritual master or reach the 5th dimension, but you will feel better each step of the way. Oh, and the world will be a better place!

Thank you for walking your path and doing your work, it is very much appreciated.