Divine Healing Master Key

Are you:

Tired of struggling with the same old issues?
Looking for meaning and purpose?

Do you want to:

Feel more empowered?
Heal your life and your relationships?

Divine Healing is a multi-dimensional tool – Master Key to Ascension.

A Healing Session can quickly and effectively identify, clear and remove negative energy patterns which have an adverse affect on health and well being at many levels including: physical, emotional and spiritual. This frees your energy for greater health, well-being and connection to your soul.

Divine healing can clear:
Life stresses
Fears and phobias
Blocks in the chakras
Negative judgments and beliefs
Subconscious patterns and behaviour including sabotages, judgements and conflicts
Interference energies
Inherited ancestral patterns
Unresolved past life issues
Your soul records
And so much more ….

Session are online via Zoom.

One off sessions – 1 hour £95*

Starter Package Bronze – 6 x 1 hour sessions £540* to be completed in 12 weeks (Regular price £570)

Starter Package Gold – 12 x 1 hour sessions £1026* To be completed within 24 weeks (Regular price £1,140)

*In addition I will spend 30 minutes non-contact time prior to meeting online to tune in and research as needed. I ask you to allow 30 minutes after each session offline in your own space to integrate the energies. Please also arrange for the rest of the day to be as restful as possible.

Follow on sessions £65 per hour

Let the journey begin!  Click here to book

Thank you so very much for such an insightful session. You have given me exactly what I needed at this part of my journey.

The space you held and your knowledge and expertise is truly amazing and I am very blessed to have come across you.

God certainly listens to my prayers.


I have been a healer for 14 years and had many healing sessions from all sorts of practitioners all over the world. I always feel that the universe gives me what I need when I need it for my next evolution and therefore connected me with Suzan to heal a very deep pattern of self-destruction and separation that has kept me imprisoned in my own pain for all this life! When I worked with her I felt she connected with me like no other healer as if reading my hearts feelings, reading my soul and taking the healing in the way my soul needed. It was an incredible connection like no other I have felt before while doing this work! I am very grateful for space she held for me which felt safe, clear boundaries and a deep knowing of when the work was complete not stopping before the ego tried to convince us it was complete !! Which it has always got away with in the past! A complete healing. I highly recommend her and look forward to having her deep insight wisdom and connection in the future.
Larissa Gray

Suzan is a very gifted and intuitive healer. I felt held in a very safe healing space and really appreciated Suzan’s ability to listen and interpret the situation to reveal hidden blocks, so the healing could go into a deeper level. I am so grateful for her work and would highly recommend her. ~ Adriana Goncalves

Thanks So much for my beautiful healing…. I feel SO much has been sorted…. Jenny J?

To anyone interested in having a healing session, I would recommend that you hesitate no longer. My sessions with Suzan are more touching and powerful than any other healing I have experienced. Thank you lovely Lady. JG Buckinghamshire

I loved the healing, felt really light and bouncy but at the same time loads more calm and grounded, thank you Lizzie

As Suzan’s Divine Healing Teacher I was very impressed by the session she gave me. She held a very strong yet loving space where I felt safe to let go. She gave me a profound healing and was able to access deep layers in my psyche effortlessly. Behind Suzan’s unassuming and gentle persona lies a deep love which is powerfully healing and transformational. I feel every confidence in Suzan’s abilities as a healer.
Dr Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire

Thank you for another deep healing, it helps so much DB