Chair Yoga – Online/Zoom

16/09/2024 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Zoom Online Yoga Sanctuary
See below
Suzan Joy Wells
A fun, friendly chair based yoga – mostly sitting some standing (using chair for support if needed). There is no lying,  kneeling or getting down and up from the floor. Suitable for beginners and those who want a safe, health and age appropriate practice. (current group age range 40’s to 80’s). Guidance, tips and reminders ensure your optimum benefit and safety. If you can breathe you can do yoga!

The class gives me more confidence with balance every day.

Next course starts 9th September ends 9th December 2024 – 14 sessions. Recording available if you miss a session (technology willing…)

Cost £140.00for 14 week course, payable on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course. EMAIL TO BOOK

Sessions include:-
  • Gentle stretching to ensure no strain on the joints
  • Breathing and relaxation
  • Personalised alternative movements


  • Maintain mobility, flexibility and balance
  • Support physical, mental and emotional well-being
  • Very friendly and welcoming
  • Social time (option to arrive 10 minutes early for a chat)

Benefits of meeting online

  • I attend far more classes now you are online.
  • I like not having to drive.
  • It is so easy; I just go into my living room.
  • Health issues mean I feel safer at home.
  • I can choose whether to have my audio and camera on or off.
  • I can join late or leave early without disturbing the group

After class I feel:

Remarkably well, less achy, energised, more comfortable, proud, lively, supported, whole, peaceful, optimistic, relaxed, chilled, comfortably stretched, present, vibrant,  positive, rejuvenated, balanced, warm, stable, powerful, happy, strong, alive, quiet, freee, mellow, clear, stronger, present, more flexible, grateful, contemplative, supple, amazing, loved, more conscious, connected, self-aware,  beautiful, focused, calm, smooth, restored, peaceful, grounded, still, serene, aware, stress-free, more focused, content, so much better, I’ve come home.


My hands were so painful at start of class, it’s all gone now!

I arrived feeling depleted and tired and leave feeling energised, Thank you!

My wrists were very stiff at the start of the session and are much looser now.

I love the way we micro exercise our whole body.

My knees felt better at the end of class.

I can’t believe how amazing I feel after doing these little movements.

The deep breathing eased my pain.

I feel brand new.

I feel strong, confident, energised and balanced.

Please wear loose clothing for unrestricted movement.


Chair Yoga On Zoo


Next course starts 9th September ends 9th December 2024 – 14 sessions

Booking is for full term, fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to commit to a regular weekly class please contact Suzan to discuss 1-2-1 options.




The class was both invigorating and relaxing.

Amazing how powerful micro movements are, it felt quite a workout!

I am much more conscious of my body and where it is.

I am surprised I managed as much as I did.

The session helped tremendously especially with my neck.

I feel several inches taller!

I enjoyed every moment.

The highlight of the week.

I feel lighter, a weight has lifted.

It was a very special session, I feel deeply peaceful and calm.

I was very conscious of what supported my body!

I was surprised I could do so much.

I was in so much pain when I arrived and it has all gone.

I found the whole class helpful.

I feel both energised and relaxed.

My knees feel better than when I started class.

I felt the energy and feel vibrant and alive.

Joining your yoga class is the best thing I have done all year!