Hatha Yoga & Relaxation – Online/Zoom

23/09/2024 @ 7:45 pm – 9:00 pm
Zoom Online Yoga Sanctuary
Please see below*
Suzan Wells
07795 517157

Shake, stretch, bend, twist, flow, release and realign. Progressively slow mind & body. Come into stillness. Reconnect with your essence.

I arrived in class with great anxiety now it’s in perspective and it really isn’t important!

Next course starts 9th September ends 9th December 2024 – 14 sessions
Recording available if you miss a session (technology willing…)
If there is space you may join part way through term.

Cost £168.00 for the course payable on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course.

Friendly, stress/trauma/recovery sensitive, to support physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Live, online, in-person group. Arrivals from 10 minutes before start – chat and tech time.

Sessions include:

  • Mindful movement with the rhythm of your breath.
  • Postures and sequences flowing from movement to stillness.
  • Individual adaptations and alternatives as needed.
  • Yoga breathing techniques to energise, relax and refocus.
  • Relaxation to energise and re-vitalise and integrate your practice.
  • Sharing time for connection and community.

You will:

  • Feel energised, calm and a sense of well-being
  • Find freedom and flexibility in body and mind.

Suitable for all ages, sizes and levels of experience.

Booked as a course so we can get to know one another and feel comfortable asking for alternatives, sharing and interacting with group members (optional).

This is a very friendly, supportive group which works at its own ability, without competition:

  • Ideal for those looking for a balance of postures and relaxation.
  • Holistic – supporting body, mind/emotions and spirit.
  • Moderately energetic.

Benefits of meeting online

  • I attend far more classes now you are online.
  • I like not having to drive.
  • It is so easy; I just go into my living room.
  • Health issues mean I feel safer at home.
  • I can choose whether to have my audio and camera on or off.
  • I can join late or leave early without disturbing the group

A lovely combination of slow movement, stretches and deep relaxation

After class I feel:

Welcomed, calm, relaxed, energised, peaceful, expanded, supple, supported, very happy, weightless, nice, calmer, looser, strong, amazing, positive, supple, reborn, lighter, motivated, thankful, settled, grounded, tingly, really good, more awake, better,  less tired, in my body, I have worked lots of areas that needed it. I have been put back together again. I will sleep really well tonight. I am not as tired as when I started.

Feedback from group members:

I feel like I had a massive hug, warm, safe, calm and relaxed

Yoga let’s the tiredness out, I yawn and yawn then suddenly I feel energised and alive.

All my tension has been wrung out!

In an hour we are completely changed people. From mind 19 to the dozen to calm, relaxed and recharged.

If I hadn’t have found your classes I am not sure how I would have got through very difficult times. FACT!

I find it easier and easier to be in the moment.

The micro movements reach places that aren’t otherwise accessed.

I appreciate the options you suggest.

I feel revived, connected and light

I wasn’t coming because I felt down and so tired, now I feel AMAZING.

I had a mad day and feel loads better now.


stress, trauma, recovery sensitive yoga

Yoga Wye ValleyTrauma Informed



Next course starts Next course starts 9th September ends 9th December 2024 – 14 sessions


  • £168.00 payment on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course.
  • If you will benefit from the classes, are committed to attend regularly and have a genuine financial issue please donate what you can – this is confidential – please email me to reserve your place. Please respect this policy and keep for those in genuine need.
  • If you feel inspired to ‘sponsor ‘a full or part place this will be gratefully received. Simply add to your payment.

Booking is for full term, fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to commit to a regular weekly class please contact Suzan to discuss 1-2-1 options.


I feel both re-energised and deeply relaxed.

My shoulder wasn’t right, it is much better now.

I feel I have really slowed down and relaxed.

I had the biggest off load of heaviness!

Thanks for the class, I’m feeling much better today and more stable.

Thank you Suzan and for all you are doing to help us stay sane in these odd times.

Not quite sure what you did yesterday in the yoga session but woke up this morning feeling really positive with energy and most productive day I’ve had in weeks, thank you.

I was aching and hot and didnt think I would enjoy the class, now I feel better and relaxed.

The session woke up parts that were sleepy from Christmas.

I feel at peace, calm.

The class was lovely, so lovely, it’s always just what I need 🙂

I almost didn’t come and am SO glad I did.

You have been a shining star when my life has been dark.

Knowing your support is there in the background is so reassuring.

It helped sort fuzziness in my head.

The stretches felt really powerful.

My back spasm had gone by the end of the session.

My shoulder feels better.

I feel fantastic now..

I have loosened up, I didn’t realise how tight I was!

The twisting was really good for my back.

You think you are ok but after class realise just how much you need yoga!

The class is always really good.


