Sound Therapy

Sound Healing is deeply relaxing treatment that allows you to access part of yourself where healing of the body and mind takes place. It clears, retunes and rebalances your energy/biofield resulting in rest, deep relaxation and renewed clarity. It can be used to alleviate stress, pain and discomfort, muscle tension, insomnia, and more.

‘Your sound healing sessions are very powerful deeply healing, and incredibly loving. Everything has changed now. I am reconnected with my vision and dream. I WILL SUCCEED.’

‘Your voice sounds familiar, and comforting. It’s a sound from the past, long ago.’

‘Something unblocked and I feel very different, much better.’

‘Since our first session I am feeling much better. I’m calmer, and happier.’

‘It feels so very supportive to not be doing this on my own.’

What to expect:
The session will include consultation, treatment, grounding and feedback.

You sit or lie comfortably, fully clothed, and focus on relaxation.

Gentle sounds (frequencies), primarily the healers voice, and tuning forks are interspersed with silence. Other instruments such as Tibetan bowls, drums, rattles may also be used. The silence is as powerful as the sounds.
Frequencies clear and optimise the flow of energy in your body releasing stagnant/blocked energy resulting from daily life, stress, and illness. These blocks can affect our mood, emotions and therefore our state of health.

After the session:
You are encouraged to drink plenty of water, establish a short breathing practice at home and asked to monitor some lifestyle choices.

How Does Sound Healing Work?
Each of us has a unique personal frequency which is influenced by our state of well-being, thoughts, emotions and more. We are sound beings living in a world of sound. This affects the whole body, mood, and state of mind. It changes our brain waves.

During a Sound Healing treatment your brain waves will usually change from everyday Beta mode to Alpha and Theta mode associated with daydreaming and meditation. As the brain waves change, the nervous system stops releasing stress hormones, which allows you to focus on the present moment, relaxed and without fear. The cells in our bodies are very sensitive to outer vibration and frequencies.

The body automatically retunes and synchronises to the more dominant frequency – entrainment. An example of entrainment is when women living in proximity find their menstrual cycle entrain.

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