Yoga Classes

Online – Accessible – Stress – Trauma Sensitive 

An online, friendly community where everyone belongs. There’s time to connect, share and be there for one another. Adaptations are available to support you on the day. If you need to rest, shed a tear, or have your camera off, that works too! Our aim is to support body, mind and spirit through the ups and downs of life. Your body is the guide. I share mindful techniques to support physical and mental well-being.

Feel better

Improve stress management

Stay as healthy, calm and mobile as possible

Reduce pain

Group Yoga Courses – Online 

Classes run as courses and create a wonderfully supportive community where everyone feels comfortable and safe to rest, try or not try certain movements and be themselves.
Email Suzan if 1 to 1 sessions would work best for you.

Gentle Yoga & Relaxation 

Gentle, therapeutic, restorative – mostly lying
Monday 6.00-7.15pm

Hatha Yoga & Relaxation
Relax, unwind, reconnect – poses & relaxation
Monday 7.45-9.00pm

Chair Yoga – Yoga for the gentle years
Gentle, safe and fun – no lying or kneeling
Monday 10.00-11.00am

Courses start April, September, and January. You are welcome to join part-way through the course.

Yoga means unity. It brings together the different aspects that make us whole which feels SO good! There are techniques for body, mind and soul. It can be mainly body based – energetic, strong, flowing, gentle, restorative and healing or more reflective and developmental. No practice is right, wrong, better or less. Each has value and may be supportive.

The most “Advanced” yoga practice is learning to know AND accept yourself, your story and history. It is listening to your body, adapting, resting as needed.

The benefits of yoga classes are many. 
  • Improved sleep, digestion, and health
  • Feeling calm and peaceful
  • It can lead to more fulfilling relationships and life
  • Niggles in back, back and shoulders disappear. 

All ages, shapes and sizes are welcome.

Class and Events Schedule

Contact Suzan to book your space.


Trauma Informed Healing/Yoga for body, mind and emotions.